When I was growing up, at the end of every term, my school reports always featured one comment that stuck in my head, propelled me and kept me going back. It read: 'Moses is a young man with a bright future' or a few variations of it. I am no longer so young and the future is here but things are no brighter than on those days when I trudged to school or cycled half way across Bulawayo, hotter maybe but certainly not brighter! Were my teachers lying? I'll give them benefit of doubt.
So why am I ranting? You see in traditional African context i am propelling very close to the red line of what is termed social failure, despite my unquestionable intelligence and charisma there is that one BUT factor, think Naaman the Syrian general. Despite my devilishly charming looks and soulful eyes, I AM SINGLE and worse, SEARCHING! So what's the big deal you may ask, well thing is I am tottering towards my 30th birthday and no aunt has ever brought her neice to my family home to say I kept away from home till late and no girl has ever rolled her dice or spun the Russian Roulette trying to figure out her baby's parternity and come up with my name.
I cracked up one day when my rather traditional father called me to his bedside with a very sombre face, I thought he was about to give me one of his last message speeches only for him to confide that he was deathly worried about my state of singleness and childlessness! I really cracked up but the seriousness on his face REALLY got me worried but like most other puzzles in my life, I pushed it to the back of my mind. Before echoes of that conversation with my father subsided, of ALL people, my very Christian mother lodged her concerns, this time the package was different, instead of a sombre face, her inquiry was packaged in a psuedo joke that passed out of her mouth too quickly to have been conceived in te context of that conversation, though I don't remember the exact words, it came out something like: "I've even considered buying you a ticket to visit TB Joshua, its worrying for me to be this old and not have a daughter-in-law nor grandchildren from you." I laughed for a second but it really hit home i mean come on TB JOSHUA!!!!!!
As if family pressure is not enough, every other person I meet asks me the same question, When are you marrying? All the while I am still grappling with the more pertinent question, WHO am I to marry? Even complete strangers in the bus have started giving me unsolicited advice, some of it sound, some of it completely outrageous and on a few occassions quite self serving, so I figured let me start this blog so I can document and share the avalanche of suggestions meant to get me out of this quagmire. I suggest you read this blog daily and thoroughly in case you meet me and like many other well intentioned people, you feel moved by compassion and you venture to give me advice and solutions to 'my problem.' It would save both of us time if you do not repeat what you have read on this blog. I know by now your mind is buzzing with all manner of suggestions, for today let it be known to all men that if you solution involves a trip to TB JOSHUA, then I've heard it all before.....lol
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